Boat Dance

Boat Dance


An unforgettable evening, cruising Flathead Lake aboard the Far West boat, dancing with friends, & listening to LIVE Jazz. Secure your boarding pass!

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After several years' sabbatical, the popular Smooth Sailing event returns!

Join us for a fun evening cruise and dance aboard the Far West out of Lakeside, MT. We will depart at 7pm sharp so whatever you do, don't be late... unless you plan on swimming (and you better be fast!). In fact, why take the chance of (literally) "missing the boat"? Show up plenty early and hang out with your friends and fellow dancers until we're ready to cast off and head out to sea for our 2 hour tour.

Once out on the lake, we'll be serenaded by a wonderful Jazz band from Bozeman, Rhythm and Ramble. That's right, not only do we get to dance on a boat, but we get LIVE music too!

We intend to maintain a dry ship so there will be no alcohol on this cruise and all ages are welcome.

If an evening cruise and lovely Jazz music sounds attractive to you but you're not sure about the whole, dancing on a moving boat thing, rest assured, you won't be alone and are more than welcome to come and enjoy the show and won't be obligated to dance.

So how much will this adventure set you back? We're keeping the fare consistent with normal rates for tours aboard the Far West at $20/person.

Space is limited and we are capping attendance at 110 (pretty much maximum capacity for the Far West). 

We are very excited to host this event after taking a few years off since the last one. It's always a wonderful evening and an experience you don't want to miss!